Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Science Experiment - Jean Piaget Experiment - Year 10 Cert. essays

Science Experiment - Jean Piaget Experiment - Year 10 Cert. essays According to Jean Piaget, the concrete operations stage develops in children between the ages of 7 and 11 years. They develop a course of thought which allows them to perform some higher mental processes, such as performing simple mathematics operations (like addition and subtraction). Concrete Operations is one of the four stages of Cognitive Development in children that were proposed by Jean Piaget, a renowned child psychologist. Cognitive Development, or Cognitive Structures as they are also known, are patterns of mental or physical action that underlie specific acts of intelligence and correspond to stages of child development. There are 4 primary Cognitive Development stages. Intelligence is based on only motor actions and through assimilations. For example, infants have certain skills in regard to objects in their environment. These skills were certainly simple ones, sensori-motor skills, but they directed the way in which the infant explored his or her environment and so how they gained more knowledge of the world and more sophisticated exploratory skills. These skills he called schemas. For example, an infant knows how to grab his favorite rattle and thrust it into his mouth. Hes got that schema down pat. When he comes across some other object say daddys expensive watch, he easily learns to transfer his grab and thrust schema to the new object. This Piaget called assimilation, specifically assimilating a new object into an old schema. When our infant comes across another object again say a beach ball he will try his old schema of grab and thrust. This of course works poorly with the new object. So the schema will adapt to the new object: Perhaps, in this example, squeeze and drool would be an appropriate title for the new schema. This is called accommodation, specifically accommodating an old schema to a new object. All of this is based on the pr...

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